Définition d'une condition (WT)
Research in progress by Juliette Pénélope Pépin
Juliette.pepin.pro@gmail.com // @jppg92

This visual and textual assemblage is a non-exhaustive selection of remembered, found and borrowed thoughts, quotes, theoretical engagements and images of the nuclear condition.
The nuclear condition is here attempted to be defined as a series of key characteristics and historiographies of militarian and civilian nuclear development in past, present and future times and their effects on human and other-than-human lives .
The nuclear is not merely a term but an event that overflows its linguistic confines, exceeding representation, inasmuch demanding a continuous re-evaluation of our visual and conceptual apparatuses.

Throughout these fragments it will refer to this very nuclear condition and its débordement (overflow). 

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The assemblage is an attempt to ask what is seen and shown by given images of the nuclear condition. It seeks to unravel some of the complex entanglements of the nuclear visual regime with violence, imperialism, colonialism, scientism and militarism as well as death drives desires, perverse sublimation of horror and practices of silencing. It is a proposition to examine, through a diary form, an accountable I/Eye, the way in which the nuclear condition, though often invisible(ilised), permeates our contemporary world, demanding a response-ability that is as much ethical as it is epistemological and iconological.

The task is not merely to see, but to witness - to confront a nuclear annihilating presence and to hold accountable the structures that sustain its perpetuation.
-> see
(Did) It began in Los alamos?
(Did) It/I began in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? 
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-> see
(Did) It began in Reggane?
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