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Amundsen, F. & Frain, S.C., 2020. The Politics of Invisibility: Visualizing Legacies of Nuclear Imperialisms.

Anders, G., 2022. Dix thèses sur Chernobyl. Translated by J.-P. Dupuy, Paris: PUF.

Barad, K., 2019. After the End of the World: Entangled Nuclear Colonialisms, Matters of Force, and the Material Force of Justice. Johns Hopkins University Press, 22(3).

Bouamama, S., 2022. Réveil anticolonial africain et retour des argumentaires coloniaux en France. Le blog de Saïd Bouamama, 16 February.

Decamous, G., 2019. Art, Censorship and Nuclear Warfare. LEONARDO, 54(5), pp. 537–541.

Davies, T., 2013. A Visual Geography of Chernobyl: Double Exposure. University of Birmingham, ILWCH, 84, Fall.

Emond, M., 2008. La Polynésie Imaginée: Une Bombe au Paradis. Université du Québec à Montréal.

Friedel, P., 2010. History in the Making. e-flux, Issue #18.

Gerber, T., 2019. Eros and Thanatos: Freud’s Two Fundamental Drives. epoché magazine, Issue #20.

Goldstein, D.M., 2017. Invisible Harm: Science, Subjectivity, and the Things We Cannot See. Culture, Theory and Critique, 58(4), pp. 321–329.

Hamilton, K. & O’Gorman, N., 2021. Seeing experimental imperialism in the Nuclear Pacific. Media+Environment, 3(1). doi:10.1525/001c.18496.

Henni, S. (2024) Colonial toxicity: Rehearsing French nuclear architecture and landscape in the sahara Samia Henni. Amsterdam: Framer Framed.

Höffken, J. and Ramana, M.V. (2023) ‘Nuclear power and environmental injustice’, WIREs Energy and Environment, 13(1). doi:10.1002/wene.498.

Holert, T. and Tom Holert is an art historian and cultural critic based in Berlin. In 2015 (no date) Epistemic violence and the careful photograph, Journal #96. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).

Kohso, S. and Sabu Kohso is a political and social critic (no date) Mutation of the Triad: Totalitarianism, fascism, and nationalism in Japan, Journal #56. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).

Sabu Kohso in conversation with Matt Peterson and Sabu Kohso is a political and social critic (no date) The catastrophe revealed: On radiation and revolution, Journal #131. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).

La Parisienne libérée (2019) Le nucléaire, c’est fini. Paris: La Fabrique éditions.

Lütticken, S. and Sven Lütticken teaches art history at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (no date) Shattered matter, transformed forms: Notes on nuclear aesthetics, part 1, Journal #94. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).

MacDonald, F. (2006) ‘Geopolitics and “the vision thing”: Regarding Britain and America’s first nuclear missile’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31(1), pp. 53–71. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2006.00196.x.
Masco, J. (2013) ‘Engineering the future as nuclear ruin’, Imperial Debris, pp. 252–286. doi:10.1215/9780822395850-009.

Paglen, T. and Trevor Paglen’s visual work has been exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (no date) Operational images, Journal #59. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).

PELOPIDAS, B. (2021). Imaginer la possibilité de la guerre nucléaire pour y faire face: Le rôle de la culture populaire visuelle de 1950 à nos jours. Cultures et Conflits, 123/124, 173–212.

Rancière, J., 2003. Le Destin des Images. Paris: La Fabrique éditions.

Semprun, J. (2008) La nucléarisation du monde: Présente-T-elle pour l’économie et pour l’état tous les avantages que l’on peut légitimement en attendre ? A-t-elle sur la vie sociale et la santé des populations d’aussi néfastes effets que veulent nous le faire croire ses détracteurs ?: Une réponse à ces questions. Paris: Editions Ivrea.

Toukan, O. and Oraib Toukan is an artist and Clarendon Scholar at the Ruskin School of Art (no date) Cruel images, Journal #96. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).

Weizman, E. and architect, E.W. is an (no date) Violence at the threshold of detectability, Journal #64. Available at: (Accessed: 28 October 2024).